The parade is back!

We were very pleased to read in The Star-News about the re-emergence of the Starlight Parade. Our thanks to Mayor John McCann, the City, and the Chula Vista Downtown Association for bringing it back. The Starlight Parade has had a long off-and-on key presence in our City.

We went through the same re-emergence a couple of decades ago. The Parade had had to be cancelled because of the subprime fiasco that lead to such harm to our national economy.

Patricia Aguilar, a Council Woman at the time on the City Council, and a citizens group, Crossroads II, combined to get it started again. Before being on the Council, Pat Aguilar had helped form CII. It was a citizens group involved with land-use issues by the Chula Vista City Council, particularly in the new areas in eastern Chula Vista.
Thanks to Council member Pat Aguilar and $1,000 donated by the Crossroads II group, the Starlight Parade lived once again.

And now, after another national disaster, Mayor John McCann, the City, and the Downtown Assoc., have brought the Starlight Parade back to life again. Well done!


Peter Watry and Gus Chavez reside in Chula Vista.