National City has choice to make

Without a doubt, the competition between National City’s two competing term limit measures is in full swing. Two competing measures that promise to level the political playing field; while one of them actually does it, the other is cloaked in false pretenses and preys on the uninformed voter.

Measure C claims it will level the political playing field by keeping in place a very generous three term limit on the mayor’s office and applying the same restrictions to all other elected positions. The measure goes on to place a lifetime ban on service, at any capacity, after 24 years in office and claims that the opposing measure (Measure B) was “written to provide a loophole for just one powerful politician”.

A three term limit for all elected positions; a lifetime ban after 24 years of service and a “loophole for one powerful politician.” Sounds sexy doesn’t it? Hey, it sells, and so who can blame them for trying but is Measure C really in the best interest of National City?
Let’s break down the measure, its supporters and their arguments a little bit shall we?
Three term limit for all elected positions – why? If Measure C’s claim is to want to limit career politicians in office, then why not go with Measure B’s more restrictive two term limits?

A lifetime ban on service after a collective 24 years in office – I would agree that for some politicians, one day in office is too much but for the select few who prove time and time again to be effective leaders and, continually advance the interests of the community they serve, would a lifetime ban really be in the best interest of National City? Would this not be the equivalent of firing your all-star quarterback mid-way through a winning season?
Measure C Supporters, if you have ever attempted to express a difference of opinion to supporters of this measure then you have, without a doubt, found yourself on the receiving end of a barrage of insults and social media libel; branded a coward, a racist and a misogynist who stands against equality and working families. All of this, ironically, from a group of supporters who will scream about inclusion and equality at the top of their lungs and, in the same breath, burn in effigy anyone who dares speak out against them. If these supporters are any indication of what Measure C would bring to the table, then I would pose the question; are these really the type people that National City residents want to represent them?

Measure B is “written to provide a loophole for just one powerful politician” – wrong! While it is true that Mayor Morrison would be eligible to once again seek reelection under Measure B, the same would hold true for the other two incumbents currently in, or seeking reelection into a third term in office. Most importantly Measure B does not gaurantee result for anyone. The decision to get the candidate back in office is, was, and always will be up to the voters, period!

In reality, this argument is little more than a tactic meant to deflect attention from the one true beneficiary in all of this; current Council member and mayoral contender, Alejandra Sotelo-Solis. Measure C would prohibit Mayor Ron Morrison from running again and, with no other candidates currently vying for the mayor’s seat, allow Alejandra to simply walk into the Mayors office, unopposed and through sheer process of elimination, a fact supporters of Measure C have conveniently left out.

Frankly, the fact that so much energy has been centered on this particular argument, leads me to believe that the proponents of Measure C are more afraid of the voters than they are of any “loophole” created by Measure B.

The choice is yours National City.


Victor Barajas resides in Chula Vista.


  1. Oh please, word on the street is Mendivil is ready to make the run if Measure B goe down. Then your boy will run for city council. This is why he’s been protecting Cano all these months so they can keep their 3 man majority. No one is “walking” into the mayor’s office. Your hyperbole is comical! I would welcome a race with Mendivil! But Morrison is termed out. He needs to move on. By the way, havent you conveniently left out the fact that you wrote this piece of garbage measure and are personally vested in its passage? What did Morrison promise you in return? Hmm?

  2. You live in chula vista, who cares what you think about National City. You’ve always been Ron’s lapdog, I’ve seen your writing, I’ve seen Ron’s writing, I think we all know who wrote this for you. What a shame, that 2 full grown men, play these games.

  3. Good Job Victor! I support Measure B.

    Measure C GUARANTEES a seat for National City Mayor to Alejandra Sotelo Solis.

    Measure B does not Guarantee a seat, anyone running would need to run a full campaign. Meaning it will be up to the Voters!

    My Vote Counts!