Tick tock a deadline looms!

At right, a previous winning submission in the 11-17 year old child and parent category. (Courtesy San Diego Council on Literacy)

Children, their parents and guardians are running out of time if they want to participate in this year’s San Diego Council on Literacy’s Financial Literacy Superheroes Competition.

Would-be graphic artists from throughout the county are invited to submit graphic art entries that are comic-book themed and include a financial literacy message. Cash prizes are up to $1,000.

Deadline to enter is March 31.

“Getting kids excited about financial literacy can be challenging, but it’s incredibly important to an individual’s long-term success, so we developed this competition with a fun focus on mediums that families love – comics and superheroes,” said, Jose Cruz, CEO of the San Diego Council on Literacy in a statement. “Through this artistic approach, we can spark family conversations on key critical money management skills, like the importance of saving or borrowing wisely.”

For more information visit www.literacysandiego.org/financial-literacy-superheroes-competition

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