Remember ‘For whom the bell tolls’

A reminder to those that need reminding:

They are not coming for your guns. The Biden Administration, in its three-plus years, send federal agents storming into homes across America to seize your hunting rifles and pistols. They did, however, support legislation that required background checks on individuals wanting to buy guns, individuals who were avoiding the requirement already in place at brick and mortar stores but not gun shows, for example.

They—”libtards”, as a segment of the conservative faction likes to call liberals—are not coming for your guns. Some of them like guns, even have guns but want to make it harder for people with a propensity for violence, and or violence, to own firearms.
No one is coming for your guns in the extreme ways you imagine.


You know who is coming?

The police when they get a call that an active shooter is on a school campus. Or a movie theater. Or a concert. Or a Farmers Market. Or a big box store. Anywhere in America.
You know who else is coming? Paramedics when reports of an unknown number of wounded children are bleeding from gunshot wounds.

And frantic parents, sobbing, because they received a call from their child telling them there is a shooter outside their classroom. Helpless to do anything because while they sent their child off to school in the morning, mom and dad are not waiting—hoping—for them to emerge from a crime scene.

Coroners are coming to take away the bodies of those who did not escape the wrath of a mass shooter.

Police investigators are coming to determine how “something like this” could happen in their town.

Invariably, thoughts and prayers are coming from Capitol Hill and across the nation.

Deja vu is coming once more.

This week I had planned to write about Third Avenue and the absence of outdoor dining, now that the parklets have been torn down.

But the country’s most recent school shooting on Wednesday, this one the 45th according to CNN, in Winder, Georgia makes the opining of outdoor dining seem trivial by comparison, even if the kids are someone else’s half a country away.

Be grateful that calamity has not come for you.

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