Consider it practice for the fall

Voters should consider the following assignment a dress rehearsal. A practice run for the task they’ll encounter in late summer, early fall.

Do your research.

The Chula Vista City Council has agreed on the format for the questions and answers session they’ll conduct to fill the vacant District 4 seat.

The special council meeting will take place next Thursday, April 4. That’s the day the Registrar of Voters certifies the winners of the March 8 primary.

As of now the top two finishers of that contest are Cesar Fernandez and Rudy Ramirez. They will take the reins from the individual chosen in April by the remaining city council.

Those applicants include:

Christine Brady.

Sharmane Estolano.

Megan Moore.

Rachel Morineau.

Guadalupe Ruiz.

Nicholas Segura Jr.

John Volland.

Daniel Zavala-Soto

While the eventual appointee will represent District 4 for the next few months, that doesn’t mean that only residents of that district can, or should, feel empowered to learn what they can about the next representative.

There will, after all, be occasions in which the representative from District 4 will weigh in on issues that affect the entire city, not just their slice of Chula Vista.

Of course, it will be the sitting council members who ask their potential colleague the questions next Thursday. And any questions posed by the public during the public comment portion of the meeting won’t be subject to a direct answer. But in being voiced, the question could give a decision maker something to consider.

There is also the notion of submitting your own question to the mayor or city council with the hope they’ll make that question one of their own, but the likelihood of that happening is next to none.

Ultimately, whether your question is asked or not, the research is what matters.

Imagine you were interviewing someone to take on the responsibility of representing thousands of people in government. What about them would you want to know? Their applications can be found on the Chula Vista City Clerk’s webpage.

Have a look. What do you want to know?

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