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Tag: jail

Growing need for lessons in lying

With schools coming back into session anyone with more than a passing interest in the well being of this great country has to wonder...

Man who killed wife will go to prison, pay

A National City man was sentenced June 23 to 16 years to life in prison for stabbing his wife to death in 2015 and...

Fatal post-concert crash lands driver in jail

A drunk driver who caused the death of her passenger after they left the Dixie Chicks concert at the Sleep Train Amphitheatre surrendered Tuesday...

Motorist released after judge sentenced him

A young motorist who struck and killed a retired attorney in National City on Feb. 13 was released from jail Monday night after being...

Shoplifter in custody will be out in fall

A Chula Vista woman who was the ringleader in high-end retail clothing thefts from stores in National City and elsewhere was sentenced Monday to...

Man released for role in hit and run granted probation

The driver who killed a man changing a flat tire on the freeway in Chula Vista was sentenced June 16 to the 368 days...
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