Help for the homeless from one who has been

James Merino is on a mission to help any homeless person who crosses his path.

In his early teenage years Merino lived on the streets in Chula Vista, used and sold drugs and even made his own drugs for distribution.

Then at age 19 he became a Christian and found healing in God.

That’s when his life changed.

“What ended up happening was I ended up having a heart for those people that gone through the same things that I might have gone through,” he said.

Merino, now 45, is executive director of the San Diego Dream Center, a nonprofit agency that provides resources for the homeless.

The San Diego Dream Center is currently based in Chula Vista. Merino often can be seen around Chula Vista looking for homeless people to help.

And with limited resources, Merino and a few other volunteers drive homeless individuals to the Los Angeles Dream Center where they can get the help they need.

The San Diego Dream Center consists of 300 volunteers and has recently partnered with several nonprofit groups and churches. The organization is also part of the 25 cities initiative to end homelessness.

San Diego Dream Center is also prepping to open a sex trafficking outreach program.

Merino said San Diego Dream Center serves about 4,000 people a month.

The organization teamed up with the police departments in National City and Chula Vista as a referral service.

Merino said he wants to help the homeless because he knows they still have a life ahead of them.

“Somebody once told me, ‘You’re trying to make up for the wrong that you did when you were young,’ that might be true,” he said. “But I do know what it’s like to be in those shoes. I know what it’s like to be on the streets. And I know what it’s like to be able to know that I still have a future.”

While living on the streets Merino did not involve himself with gang life but he did know many gang members because he is who they went to when they needed drugs,

“I was their hook-up” he said.

With his faith in God, Merino was able to get back on his feet and make something out of himself. Merino eventually married his high school sweetheart and they have been happily married for 25 years.

Merino has sold off his mortgage and real estate company to dedicate more of his time to the San Diego Dream Center.

“I always look at it like I’m super blessed to be part of this chapter in their life,” he said. “The chapter of recovery.”