There are four candidates running for Chula Vista mayor. This week The Star-News features answers from two of those four. The two candidates with the most votes in June move on to the November runoff election.
How will you strengthen the local economy?
Daniel Schreck: The Bay Front project was recently approved and it will have a major impact on our local economy, but that revenue is a long way off. For an immediate impact, I would love to build a top-notch sports complex to capitalize on the boom of travel sports in our community. Chula Vista has the land to build this type of facility and the cost would be relatively low compared to the impact it would bring on the local economy. In addition, I would look for support and sponsorship from major businesses in our community in exchange for naming rights. The potential for this type of facility in our community is great, as it will attract outside families to stay in our new hotels, eat in our restaurants and shop at our business every weekend of the year.

ARTHUR KENDE: I will strengthen the local economy, by helping stimulate business. Many businesses have called me to tell [me] that getting permits to start business in Chula Vista was much more tedious and time consuming than other cities. Lets encourage business and promote growth in the economy and make sure that the organizations that regulate local business and run efficiently and effectively.
What does Chula Vista look like at the end of your four-year term?
KENDE: Some of the people running against me have absolutely nothing to show at the end of their term. I plan on having better results than any other mayor in Chula Vista. I have never been in politics before but I will work hard to make sure the city is better in all aspects. I plan on improving the economy, lowering the crime rate, decreasing the amount of homeless, and making Chula Vista safer.

SCHRECK: At the end of my four-year term, Chula Vista will look like a place where everybody will want to live and raise a family. It will have a revamped infrastructure with the help of Measure P. It will have one of the nicest park systems in San Diego for the community to enjoy. Chula Vista was recently rated as one of the top ten safest cities in San Diego. With my backing of public safety, we will strive to be number one! I am a native Chula Vistan, not a career politician, so my decisions will be in the best interest of the citizens of this great city. Chula Vista will be a pillar community in San Diego County.
How should Chula Vista address the homeless issue?
SCHRECK: Currently as a Chula Vista Park Supervisor, I deal with the homeless issue on a daily basis. What people need to know is that it is not illegal to be homeless. The City and the Parks Department offers assistance to those who are willing to accept it. It is a collaboration with Parks, Police Department, Health and Human Services, South bay Community Services, and a psychiatrist from the PERT Clinician on a weekly basis to offer help to those in need.
KENDE: Chula Vista has recently had a huge increase of homeless, this is an issue that needs to be resolved. As a community we can do a lot more to help, for the past few years my wife and my two sons buy $10 to $5 pizzas and hand them out during Christmas. Although as a teacher I make less than money than many others, I strive to do my part to help. I have received many calls from other teachers willing to volunteer their time to help people earn their GEDs or high school diplomas. I have received calls from substance abuse counselors who want to help at no cost and many other citizens who want to donate food and clothing. I believe that as a united community we can reduce homelessness without any cost to the tax payers.
What is your position on Measure A?
KENDE: I support Measure A as long as that money acquired from the tax increase is used in a proper way. The city needs improvements and if the tax increase can be used adequately to improve the city then I support it.
SCHRECK: I am in favor of Measure A. Unfortunately, with the rapid growth of the city there are not enough Police and Fire personnel to keep response times down in the event of an emergency. Nobody wants more taxes including me, but in this case, it is unavoidable to keep all citizens of Chula Vista safe. If Measure A doesn’t pass, money will come out the general fund to pay for those services and that will put a lot of other city jobs on the chopping block that are essential to the daily operation of the City.
What is the role of Chula Vista in enforcing immigration laws?
SCHRECK: Chula Vista’s role in enforcing immigration laws is just that, enforcing the law. The law is the law and we cannot just decide which laws to follow and which ones we do not like and ignore them. I believe that the United States is the best country in the world and to be a citizen is an honor and a privilege. Unfortunately, for some, that privilege was not bestowed on them at birth. If immigrants want to come here or are already here and want to be a contributing member of our society then there are steps to follow to do that legally and at that point the same laws will protect them as every other U.S. citizen..
KENDE: My mother is an immigrant from Mexico and my father was a holocaust survivor from the Czech Republic, I fully support legal immigration. At the same time I believe in law and believe in currently upholding our immigration laws.